How To Grow Wheat Grass at Home for Pennies!

Here Is How to Grow Wheat grass Easily and Cheaply.

Wheat grass Juice Is Considered By Many to Be the Most Nutritious Food!

Wheat grass is becoming more and more popular as a key ingredient in fresh home-made juices and smoothies. It is incredibly rich in nutrients - vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and many other phytonutrients. You should seriously consider adding a little wheat grass to all of your juice recipes.

Amazing Benefits of Wheat grass

Studies show that wheat grass juice has a multitude of health benefits. In addition to providing most of our daily recommended requirement of vitamins and minerals, wheat grass juice is also used by many to detox the body, prevent cancer, and improve digestion and blood circulation. It assists in oxygenating and alkalizing the blood, suppressing appetite, regulating the thyroid, and boosting the immune system. Wheat grass contains as much as 70% chlorophyll, which is higher than most vegetable greens. Some researchers have even recommended that a diet high in chlorophyll can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Wth its high content of chlorophyll, wheat grass juice is more like the composition of our blood than any other plant substance. As a matter of fact chlorophyll is considered the “blood” of the plant world due to its similarity to our blood in molecular framework. Once you consume wheat grass, you can feel it almost immediately. Many say that drinking wheat grass first thing in the morning is as energy boosting as a cup of coffee.

Where To Get It

No wonder wheat grass is found in more and more juice and smoothie recipes. You can find fresh wheat grass sold at your local health food store and farmers market, and now in many supermarkets. You can even find bottled, frozen, powdered and pill forms of wheat grass, but these do not have all the nutrients - especially enzymes - of fresh wheat grass juice or smoothie.

How To Grow It

Anyone can grow wheat grass at home! It's as easy as growing grass - just order organic wheat grass seed online (Amazon is my source - just click wheat grass seed), and plant it in a pot of organic soil easily found at any garden store. Within 2 days you'll see white shoots. Within 4 days you'll see green blades of grass which you can start cutting and adding to your juice. Don't be fooled by anyone who makes it sound complicated and expensive, and don't be tempted by special trays and whatnot! All f that is not necessary! All you need is seed, soil and a pot or cut-off plastic container.

Here's what to do. Take one of your flower pots, fill it with soil, sprinkle seed liberally on the soil, cover with 1/8" of soil and soak it with water. Let the water drain. I cover my dry soil with a napkin before II water it for the first time to keep the seeds from being uncovered by the watering. Then I just discard this cover after he first watering. But this covering is not necessary, just convenient.

When the grass blades get about 5-7" tall cut a thumb length and thickness and add to any of your juice and smoothie recipes. That's enough to get all the amazing nutrients, but not so much that is makes your juice or smoothie bitter. This is important: when you have cut and juiced all the green part of the grass, let it grow again for a second harvest. But after that start over with fresh soil and seed, because the soil is depleted.

How To Juice It 

Unique juice machines known as a "slow" juicers are particularly effective for juicing wheat grass at home. I use a slow juicer made by Huron though an equally fine one made by Omega now has a better warranty. These juicers remove the liquid from the wheat grass in a more thorough way than the common juicer. They're not only best with wheat grass, they are also superior when juicing other greens including lettuce, celery, spinach, watercress and herbs such as my favorite, parsley.

How To Drink It

You can drink juiced wheat grass by itself or as an ingredient combined with other fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Few people enjoy the flavor of wheat grass by itself. But it’s easy to make it very tasty by combining it with carrot, cucumber or apple. Add a little honey as a sweetener. You can also add other greens like kale, parsley, dandelion, alfalfa sprouts or celery. Try adding some ginger or garlic for a delicious surprise!

Wheat grass Juice & Smoothie Recipes

2 Oranges
2 large Carrots
1 thumb Wheat grass

bunch of Grapes
1/4 Beet
2 stalks Celery
1 thumb Wheat grass

One Caution

Drinking wheat grass must be done with care. The juice from most greens is powerful on the stomach. Too much can cause nausea. Drink only about 4 ounces of wheat grass each day, preferably in 1 ounce portions throughout the day. This is due to its powerful cleansing effects. If you have a sensitive stomach, simply reduce your intake as I do to 1 ounce a day, and I never drink it on an empty stomach.

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