Are You A Monday Heater?


I woke up really early again and I'm just getting warm up...
Several things to do and places to go beside getting my fuel every few hours but, 1st need to get my list of items to optimize my time working on my self, my biz & my family.

For some people is a absolutely crazy, for others is no big deal :)
Depends in how you program your mind is up 2 you!

Instead of justifying the need for a day off or holiday, let us look at the quality of our working life.
Perhaps some Obama insights can help change the way we work.
The real question is, do you enjoy your work?
Do you work wishing you could do something else?
Is your work a necessary painful way… to earn a living or to fulfill ambition?

Think ways how you can take Monday and turn it around!

  1. Eat a healthy or organic breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  2. Do some outdoor exercise or join a fitness boot camp or get a personal trainer in your local area.
  3. Get to work with a plan to make it special even is your work is monotonous.
  4. Talk to people about it.
  5. Turn off the news, tv and anything that revolves around negative outlook.
  6. Start reading a new book in how to get the best out of you.
  7. Get connected with like minded people.
  8. Look in the mirror and say to your self I love you.
  9. Write a email or call some one you know needs encouragement cheer them up!
  10. Be prepare to listen & receive love from others.



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