Can you skip the "sugar" out of a holiday? or would buy in to it and suffer the consequence...?
During Halloween, there are lots of fun treats!! High fat high empty calories and unnecessary sugars!!
During Halloween, there are lots of fun treats!! High fat high empty calories and unnecessary sugars!!
Halloween marks the beginning of a two-month season packed with parties and desserts. Now that's the scary part!
Check out how much can you gain for what you die for...
Do you prefer a Drink???
Prepare more whole grains, a good protein source and fresh vegetables for you and your family. Fill up on healthy foods before hitting the streets to trick-or-treat, that will help you no to eat too much sugar.
Introduce a little physical activity to balance out the sugar consumption and get the kids or adults involve. Take the long way, take a few laps around the block or race from house to house, bring water bottle and drink it!.
Let your self or your children choose 3 candies to consume when they get home, then donate or trash the rest so you will get temptation away from you.