9 Reasons to EAT Honey Every Day

Consumed in moderation, the sugary “liquid gold” made by bees is actually pretty healthy. This may surprise many people since we’ve talked many times in this newsletter how it’s better to be a “fat burner” than a “sugar burner”, and how consuming the majority of your calories from healthy fats helps to shift your body into fat-burning mode.

But one of the healthier versions of carbs that we have available (that is still considered “Paleo-friendly”) is that wonderful tasty HONEY!

As hunter-gatherers, we humans evolved over 100’s of thousands of years getting moderate amounts of carbs from fruits, vegetables, and yes, even honey. Your body knows how to extract the maximum benefit from these whole foods as opposed to processed sugars like corn syrup.

Honey, in particular, has three critical healing effects…

First, honey supports your immune system and fights off harmful bacteria.

Second, it provides unique antioxidants and micronutrients that benefit your body in dozens of ways.

Lastly, Honey burns differently in your body than “normal” sugar… That’s because all the extra enzymes and nutrients in honey not only help the body rebuild itself — they also regulate how the body uses the sugar.

However, Honey, in particular, has three critical healing effects that I want to share with you in this free report:

3 Healing Effects of Honey ==>>Read Now!



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9 Reasons to EAT Honey Every Day

Consumed in moderation, the sugary “liquid gold” made by bees is actually pretty healthy. This may surprise many people since we’ve talke...

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